Hair and Beard Bleaching

The one thing everyone wants to know is "How do I get my hair white?"

There is no easy way to say this.  You are going to have to bleach your hair, first orange, then yellow then finally a beautiful white Santa approved color.  

Unless you are blessed with snow white hair there is really no way to have a white beard without bleaching. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but if you want to be the "real" Santa and not just a helper then you have to give it a shot.

I was lucky enough to have a Mrs. Clause that was willing to sacrifice her own hair first and practice getting it that snow white color.

 That did not mean that she did not turn my hair and beard purple. Every head of hair is different so what worked for her did not work for me. 

STOP before you go to the next page.  Take some time to condition your hair and beard.

Go get some coconut oil from the grocery store. slather it all over your beard and place the grocery bag that it came in over each ear so that your beard is in the bag. Yep. I just said that. It will look like you just placed a feeding bag on yourself but trust me you will want to keep the beard moisturized.
Now take a hot towel, meaning one that was placed under hot water and wrung out. place the hot towel over the "feed bag" and relax for 15 minutes.  

I do this once a week or every other week to keep my beard healthy. 

Not you are ready to start the bleaching process. 

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